To resolve this issue, we tried using the cuboids. We computed a binary image of the cuboids that appear, and then calculate a centroid from the image. The centroid serves the same purpose as before: to approximate the center mass of the mouse. Here is the unfiltered graph of the mouse movement:
Unfiltered x and y displacement for exploring
Unfiltered x and y displacement for grooming
We noted that there is a distinctive pattern between exploring and grooming. The x and y displacement while the mouse is exploring is greater than when the mouse is grooming. Furthermore, the x and y displacement when the mouse is grooming tend to be around zero. This is intuitive because the mouse does not move as much when it is grooming than when it is exploring. We want to add this result as a feature to Piotr's cuboids, but we need to filter out more noise. We used median and average filtering to obtain the following results:
Filtered x displacement for exploring
Filtered y displacement for exploring
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